Review of the HGTV 2021 Smart Home
Before launching into my review of the HGTV 2021 Smart Home, we should chat about what makes a smart home, ‘smart’?
What is a Smart Home?
Most simply put, a smart home is a home that uses technology and non-technical additions, to make your home more convenient and comfortable to live (and work) in. In many cases adding smart technology may help make your home more cost effective in the long run.
So what are some of these elements? It can be technology based items like:
- turning lights on/off
- turning heat or A/C up or down
- adjusting blinds up/down
- playing music throughout your home or in one room.
- security lights and/or cameras
There is a mind boggling number of ‘internet based assistants’ now … right? So one of the first things to think about when choosing what technology to use throughout your home, is what ‘system’ you want to tap into. The most obvious choices this year are Alexa (Amazon based); Google Assistant (Google Based) and Siri (Apple Based). The New York Times has a good article outlining the pros and cons of each. Read More Here. But I’m guessing many of you will have already committed to one or the other, based on your choice of phone, computers, TV, stereo speakers.
My concern for most people adapting new technologies in their home, is integrating a number of one-off trendy technology items and not truly taking the time to plan one eco-system for the entire house. The caveat for home owners planning a new home or renovation projects is to seek out a system that truly integrates and makes your life easier, otherwise it could be a frustrating experience getting everything to work, reducing the benefits of the smart goals you may have started with. Forbes has an interesting article Redefining What Makes a Smart Home Smart.
HGTV’s 2021 SMART HOME – Naples, Florida
I chose to review the HGTV 2021 Smart Home because I liked some of the extras build into the home, beyond technology … that I believe makes the home ‘smart’.
HGTV rock star designer, Tiffany Brooks talks about the ‘smart design’ going beyond technology with Peoples Magazine:
“I love how we were able to take this home and design it based on how more and more people are living today; our new normal,” she says. “This house definitely reflects that in terms of healthy living, in terms of convenient living, in terms of entertaining a family at home.”
“While many may think of a “smart” home as one with futuristic tech features, Brooks says this home was also imbued with technology to keep homeowners healthy and their surroundings hygienic, knowing the Covid-19 pandemic will remain top of mind for a long time. “
Who would have thought that building ‘health and wellness’ into our home design would become such a focus in 2021 and beyond?
Here is a list of some of my favourites. How will you integrate health and wellness into your next project …
- home and office (leisure and work-from-home lifestyles)?
- studying from home
- Think about dedicated space for children and parents for continuous learning
- maintaining your pet(s)
- indoor or outdoor showers for pets
- exercise runs
- getting more outdoor time
- places to exercise, yoga outdoors
- meditatate, reflect
- exercising at home
- space for yoga
- exercise equipment
- TVs properly placed for viewing exercise videos
- dedicated space to meditate
Here is a link to the floor plan for the HGTV 2021 Smart Home. You will notice things like space in the garage for a ‘she shed’. An a lovely multi-use back deck, with a variety of outdoor (reading, studying, working) seating areas.
The ‘she shed’ has become a popular outside of the house space most often used as a retreat for kids, or parents home office or studio, or for meditation and getaway. Here are a few examples of stunning backyard ‘she sheds’. See them here!
Whatever makes your home healthy, more convenient, playful or entertaining is part of a smart home design. If it’s time to start rethinking your space beyond the smart technology, start with a free initial consultation … let’s make your home your happy place!